Adolescents and emotional hostage

Adolescents are even less able to control their emotions than adults. That is why it is mainly the task of a teacher in a class to see in time that a student is completely out of control. Moreover, the open-loop construction plays an important role here, because it ensures that the contagion of the emotion spreads to other students in the group. The open loop construction is covered on another page. An inhibiting factor may be that the expression of emotion in this age group is not very good. "You can be angry, but you have to act normal."
In addition, many students are afraid of the sanctions that can follow an extreme tantrum. However, that does not guarantee that it will never happen, if anger is not noticed and dealt with in time.
Emotions come on quickly in adolescents, but they also fade quickly. It is therefore a good idea to let a student cool down for a while.
In the cooling-off period, the angry student can break the cycle of hostile thoughts by seeking distraction. Intensive exercise also helps to dampen anger. Movement activates the body physiologically. The body needs its energy for movement and will therefore keep less energy for anger.
However, the distraction only works if the rage-inducing thoughts are stopped. Simply expelling from the classroom is not very effective, because then it is very easy for the student to continue to follow the angry train of thought.
Another method is to have a student write down his angry thoughts and then to check and assess the thoughts together with the student.
Anger or anger can be used effectively if it is aimed directly at the person concerned and if it leads to someone feeling that they have things under control again.